Cosmos Xiu-Fei Li



Welcome! I am a theoretical physics researcher working in Inner Mongolia University (Hohhot, China). I study particle physics, cosmology, and particle astro-physics. Besides physics, I am also intersted in music, table tennis and all kinds of outdoor sports. The purposes of this website is just for learning. If you have any questions, please contact me.



My research is to study the early Universe with the help of Quantum Field Theory, high energy particle physics and gravitational wave physics. This mainly involves to answer why the universe contains more matter than antimatter; the production mechanism of dark matter, their nature and how detect them; cosmological phase transitions; topological defects such as cosmic string, domain wall; and the cosmological background of stochastic gravitational waves. In addition, I am also interested in the primordial black hole as a dark matter candidate and the primordial cosmic inflation.



10 Jun 2023 arXiv PT and GW   Writing

Collecting papers from arXiv.

08 Oct 2021 Stochastic Gravitational Wave   Writing

Collecting papers from arXiv.

29 Sep 2021 arXiv Inflation   Writing

Collecting papers from arXiv.

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